Sunday, May 16, 2010

rainy days and sundays.....

our plans for today are postponed until next week. wanted to boil some crawfish and have family over, but weather is not co-operating! so what to do? catch up on the laundry, cook for my lucy, paint, sleep, and blog.
wondering if i have some spying eyes~thinking i probably do.
i had such a good week babysitting for my grandchildren ... had oliver on monday, ryan on wednesday and ryan, reece and lola on friday. thank you God for some many sweet blessings in my life. very sad when i think of alissa and josh, parents are separated and it not a smooth transition and so since i am the "devil" i haven't seen them since jauary when we were at ft. hood for their dad's surgery. looking forward to seeing bailey and jake in july when we visit ft. hood for their dad's deployment to afghanistan. sad that i even can spell that word.
yes, two boys active military, one a blackhawk pilot and one in military intell. very proud of them for the job they do, very scared for them always in this crazy world. who knows what will happen ever?
so goodbye world for now.....going play with my brushes, canvases and paints.
hope you all have a good day and thanks for stopping by..........................

Thursday, May 13, 2010


what's happening? oil spewing in the gulf, killing our wildlife, beautiful birds, closing down precious waters used by our fishermen professionally and sport. now you hear about the good gulf shrimp, oysters and such, now you hear about how valuable our coast is, now you hear how we have no barrier islands to protect us from rising you hear what we have know for a long time. and where is potus? but that's another story all together.
people who live on the coast and use the water as a way to live, not only in louisiana, but alabama, florida and texas are the ones who will be hurt the most. and our most valuable precious barrier islands will be damaged beyond repair. another black eye for the fed government.
people have volunteered to help, with several agencies, only to be told that they are in a waiting pattern. waiting for what....more dead wildlife???? frustration to the 9th degree.